It’s a community of like minded athletes, who are supportive and energetic with a mission to achieve their goals in sport.
Check out our list below and let's get behind them for a strong 2022!

Andy Lanskis, Cyclist, @andylanskis
Bec McConnell, Cyclist, @becmcconnell
Brodie Summers, Skier, @brodiesummers
Izzi Batt-Doyle, Runner, @izzibattdoyle
James Downing, Cyclist, @thereal_jamesdowning
Joanne Ritson, Triathlete, @ritsonjo
Kate Jones, Outdoors, @katejonesadventures
Luke Nelson, Runner, @sportschiroluke
Rhiannon Hughes, Triathlete, @rhivhughes
Sam Tait, Skier, @samtait_7
Sami Kennedy-Sim, Skier, @samikennedysim
Scott Cadby, Triathlete, @scott_cadby
Sean Bell, Runner, @seanbell__
Stacey Katelis, Cyclist, @stackatz
Alan Li, Runner, @ultralan
Jacob Snochowski, Outdoors, @jacob_snochowski
James MacKeddie, Outdoors, @jamesmackeddie
Louise Vardeman, Cyclist, @loukew
Luke Tyburski, Triathlete, @luketyburski
Mags Dempsey, Outdoors, @magsmay_mountainstrongcoaching
Michael A, Runner, @theurbanchallenger
Natasha Cockram, Runner, @natasha.cockram
Sarah B, Outdoors, @_sarah.b.uk_
Sarah-Jayne, Triathlete, @positivity_and_popcorn
Angelo G, Cyclist
Christy G, Runner
Damien B, Triathlete
David A, Runner
Eliza S, Sailor
Georgie S, Triathlete
Gina R, Cyclist
Gus M, Triathlete
Haydn P, Triathlete
Haylee F, Cyclist
Heidi S, Triathlete
Helen M, Runner
Jason M, Triathlete
Jason D, Triathlete
Jethro N, Cyclist
Joshua L, Cyclist
Katja R, Cyclist
Kirsty T, Cyclist
Kurt M, Triathlete
Laura T, Runner
Leanne C-M, Triathlete
Leo Y, Cyclist
Luke J, Triathlete
Michelle S, Skier
Mitchell H, Cyclist
Phil S, Runner
Sam R, ExPhys
Sarah R, Cyclist
Sophie T, Hockey
Stephanie G, Triathlete
Steve S, Cyclist
Aléchia V W, RunnerAshley S, Runner
Becky H, Cyclist
Becky A, Outdoors
Bradley F, Runner
Chris D, Triathlete
Claire T, Runner
Cloe S, Triathlete
Courtney G, Triathlete
Daniel C, Runner
Daniel I, Runner
Emi D, Runner
Emily P, Runner
Emma J, Runner
Erin M, Triathlete
Geoff R, Runner
Guillaume H, Triathlete
Jack G, Runner
Jana M, Runner
Jarnail S, Runner
Jayson L, Triathlete
Jess K, Runner
Josh H, Cyclist
Karen G, Triathlete
Katie K S, Outdoors
Kerry A, Triathlete
Liam W, Traithlete
Lisa T, Cyclist
Lucy E, Triathlete
Luke D-B, Runner
Mark W, Triathlete
Michele M D, Triathlete
Mollie L-C, Runner
Oceana F, Runner
Sandra W, Triathlete
Tom W, Runner